Wimborne Square Tea & Toast Bus

Receiving a cheque for £380 for the Friday Night Bus from Wimborne Waitrose on 18th July, 2017. Thank you Waitrose and for all their customers who chose to support the Tea & Toast Bus in this way.


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Rural Mission Sunday

Here we are on the lawn at Holtwood on 16th July, 2017 celebrating Rural Mission Sunday. We thanked God for giving us so many opportunities as a church in the community – and also asked for guidance on how we should outreach in the future.


Rural Mission Sunday 2017

Holtwood Summer Fair – 8th July, 2017



Thank you to all who either helped to organise and/or supported our Summer Fair which raised about £1,200 towards essential work needed to our premises and also to support the Friday Night Tea & Toast Bus in Wimborne Square. Here are some pics

‘Songs of Praise’ on Holt Green

DSCN0884DSCN0888On Sunday 9th July at 6.00 we’ll join with our local Anglican and Woodlands Methodist friends on Holt Village Green for our annual open air ‘Songs of Praise’. The evening will be led by Revd Suzie Allen and Revd Nigel Deller with music by HMB. If it’s wet we’ll be in St James’ Church at Holt – but hopefully we’ll see you on the Green in the sunshine!

Holtwood Summer Fair

Our Summer Fair is coming up on Saturday 8th July between 12.00 & 4.00. Lots of stalls, games, strawberry cream teas, etc – and live music from pop duo Mel and Me, singer/songwriter Vic Salt, top folk duo No Fixed Abode – and I’ll be playing a few pieces along the way as well. Hope to see you there – in the sunshine!